When I saw this quote from Zig - it really got me connected to the idea of starting my week off in a very positive direction. While I was doing some chores outside yesterday and cleaning the garage out a little - this thought hit me right in the nose and it helped me to get things done rather than putting them off until later.
It also helped having a good weekend too. My wife and I spent some time with some good people and had a lot of fun. This helped me to see that this quote about not giving up not only affects me, my wife and family, but also my friends and those that I don't know yet. If I give up on things (like I have in different areas of my life) I may not get the chance to connect with people. For me, it's been a personal battle throughout my life time - giving up on things. I'm working hard at not doing that anymore. Would I have liked to be like that in my past? You bet. But I can't go back and change that. But I can make changes today, and that's where my focus is. The past should serve as a history lesson for us every day. The good and the bad. Remember, we really learn more from the bad, negative things that happen to us compared to the good and positive things.
Have you ever checked out Zig Ziglar? Check him out. He's all over the place. Even after he's gone - he still has a HUGE impact on people. My kind of guy... that's what I would like to be for others even when I'm gone. Any thoughts? How have you been with this "Never Giving Up" idea?