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New Year = New Goals!
December 29, 2013
As 2014 is about to begin, it causes me to think about making some changes. These changes not only in my classroom, but a bigger part of me wants to make some changes in my life too. I think many student athletes think about the same things, although maybe they don't know how to make these changes they are thinking about. This past year of 2013, I found myself pushing myself out of my comfort zone in teaching by learning some new ways of teaching hybrid classes (some face-to-face teaching / some online teaching). After 24 years in education, and all of the recent changes in education - this was a real positive step for me. I have decided that I needed a jolt into my career, a kind of shot in the arm so to speak. I was (still am a little bit) thinking about getting into administration, maybe getting back into coaching basketball in the next year, something different to re-energize me in this wonderful career of education. This new avenue of hybrid classes, might just be the avenue for that in the next few years - I don't know. But I do know this - I need to change and get better.
Part of this re-energizing process for me is this website. The areas that I'm passionate about are all right here: teaching, helping students & student athletes, coaching basketball, helping teachers and helping people. I NEED to continue going after this idea that I have with this website. I've wasted too much time and way too many people have not gotten the help that I could have offered them.
Part of what I want student athletes to think about is this: No matter what awful things seem to be happening in our world (the violence in our world, the fact that college costs are going up and up, the negativity in our media today, the idea that maybe you don't know what you want to do with your life yet and all you hear from everyone is that you have to choose now, the fear and uncertainty of getting older and becoming an adult, pressures from family and friends, etc. ) I want to let you know - that with all of this and more going on in your head - you still have some awesome opportunities to choose from. You have such an advantage (I feel) being an athlete. The lessons from sports are directly connected to life. The discipline, dedication, hard work ethic, getting along with teammates, overcoming adversity, handling disappointments, etc. Start this new year off right by looking at the opportunity you have with your sport(s) and what those opportunities can lead to in your future. Think about this along with what I wrote in the High School student section. Ask yourself this - what can you do right now to have a better upcoming (or current) season? Look to see what goals you have and find out how to make them happen? Part of it might be asking for help from a coach, a teacher, a parent, another mentor, etc. Looking back at past performances both good and not so good - to learn from. Look at the things that have held you back and learn from them to get through them next time they come up in front of you. Instead of letting things (or people) hold you back, use it as fuel to get better, make some changes and go after some things in your sport that you want to have. Especially seniors in high school or college - your window of opportunity is almost closed.
I have decided that I refuse to let all of the negative things going on in education and in our world change me to become worse. I know these times have re-ignited the passion that I have for helping people. These times have helped me to clearly define myself and what I do: I help people (mainly kids right now.) In doing this re-evaluation of what I do and who I am, it's also helped me to look at my dreams and goals (something I try and teach my students every year to go after - I need to follow my own advice). New avenues of my career in education are coming into clear visions now - all thanks to all the changes that have been going on in education and in our world the last few years. Whatever ideas you have, questions you might have, about athletics, etc., I'd like to help if I can. So, get in touch with me if you want and let's start talking a little bit as to what these opportunities can do for you.
December 29, 2013
As 2014 is about to begin, it causes me to think about making some changes. These changes not only in my classroom, but a bigger part of me wants to make some changes in my life too. I think many student athletes think about the same things, although maybe they don't know how to make these changes they are thinking about. This past year of 2013, I found myself pushing myself out of my comfort zone in teaching by learning some new ways of teaching hybrid classes (some face-to-face teaching / some online teaching). After 24 years in education, and all of the recent changes in education - this was a real positive step for me. I have decided that I needed a jolt into my career, a kind of shot in the arm so to speak. I was (still am a little bit) thinking about getting into administration, maybe getting back into coaching basketball in the next year, something different to re-energize me in this wonderful career of education. This new avenue of hybrid classes, might just be the avenue for that in the next few years - I don't know. But I do know this - I need to change and get better.
Part of this re-energizing process for me is this website. The areas that I'm passionate about are all right here: teaching, helping students & student athletes, coaching basketball, helping teachers and helping people. I NEED to continue going after this idea that I have with this website. I've wasted too much time and way too many people have not gotten the help that I could have offered them.
Part of what I want student athletes to think about is this: No matter what awful things seem to be happening in our world (the violence in our world, the fact that college costs are going up and up, the negativity in our media today, the idea that maybe you don't know what you want to do with your life yet and all you hear from everyone is that you have to choose now, the fear and uncertainty of getting older and becoming an adult, pressures from family and friends, etc. ) I want to let you know - that with all of this and more going on in your head - you still have some awesome opportunities to choose from. You have such an advantage (I feel) being an athlete. The lessons from sports are directly connected to life. The discipline, dedication, hard work ethic, getting along with teammates, overcoming adversity, handling disappointments, etc. Start this new year off right by looking at the opportunity you have with your sport(s) and what those opportunities can lead to in your future. Think about this along with what I wrote in the High School student section. Ask yourself this - what can you do right now to have a better upcoming (or current) season? Look to see what goals you have and find out how to make them happen? Part of it might be asking for help from a coach, a teacher, a parent, another mentor, etc. Looking back at past performances both good and not so good - to learn from. Look at the things that have held you back and learn from them to get through them next time they come up in front of you. Instead of letting things (or people) hold you back, use it as fuel to get better, make some changes and go after some things in your sport that you want to have. Especially seniors in high school or college - your window of opportunity is almost closed.
I have decided that I refuse to let all of the negative things going on in education and in our world change me to become worse. I know these times have re-ignited the passion that I have for helping people. These times have helped me to clearly define myself and what I do: I help people (mainly kids right now.) In doing this re-evaluation of what I do and who I am, it's also helped me to look at my dreams and goals (something I try and teach my students every year to go after - I need to follow my own advice). New avenues of my career in education are coming into clear visions now - all thanks to all the changes that have been going on in education and in our world the last few years. Whatever ideas you have, questions you might have, about athletics, etc., I'd like to help if I can. So, get in touch with me if you want and let's start talking a little bit as to what these opportunities can do for you.
August 26, 2013
Pyramid of Success from Coach John Wooden - A Model for your success!

Practical Map for Success!
This image is one of the most powerful ones that I have ever come across in my life. I remember getting introduced to Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success late in high school and in college. So many great items here for all of us to study and learn from.
Here's what I'd like to do. I want to produce some short video lessons, articles, blog posts, etc., on each part of this pyramid. If you take and study one of the 25 principles from the pyramid every day, week or even months; you should start to see some things changing - even if it's just the way you look at things or the way you think.
With the start of a new school year and a new sports season, you owe it to yourself to start trying to do things better. Hopefully this will help.
This image is one of the most powerful ones that I have ever come across in my life. I remember getting introduced to Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success late in high school and in college. So many great items here for all of us to study and learn from.
Here's what I'd like to do. I want to produce some short video lessons, articles, blog posts, etc., on each part of this pyramid. If you take and study one of the 25 principles from the pyramid every day, week or even months; you should start to see some things changing - even if it's just the way you look at things or the way you think.
With the start of a new school year and a new sports season, you owe it to yourself to start trying to do things better. Hopefully this will help.
June 17, 2013
Summer workout idea - 2 pieces of next season's puzzle of success
"Sharpen your interest in two major subjects: life and people. You will only gather information from a source if you are interested in it." -- Jim Rohn
These are 2 areas that are a must for you to spend some time on this summer getting better at. Not only will it help you, but more importantly I know it can help your team too. Pick up anything you can from Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, or any of the authors on my book list on my home page. Don't wait until after your next season starts, getting better in these two key areas is something you need to spend the offseason doing. In fact, I promise things will go differently for you come next school year when you start being a "student" about life and about people. This holds true in the classroom too.
Please understand what a huge advantage you hold on others just because you are an athlete. When we study things about life and people, athletics is one of the best places to look at for stories, inspirations, lessons, examples, etc. Look here on my site for some help coming soon. Questions or comments get in touch with me in the contact section on my home page.
These are 2 areas that are a must for you to spend some time on this summer getting better at. Not only will it help you, but more importantly I know it can help your team too. Pick up anything you can from Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, or any of the authors on my book list on my home page. Don't wait until after your next season starts, getting better in these two key areas is something you need to spend the offseason doing. In fact, I promise things will go differently for you come next school year when you start being a "student" about life and about people. This holds true in the classroom too.
Please understand what a huge advantage you hold on others just because you are an athlete. When we study things about life and people, athletics is one of the best places to look at for stories, inspirations, lessons, examples, etc. Look here on my site for some help coming soon. Questions or comments get in touch with me in the contact section on my home page.
Season over? Plans for this summer to put some work in for next year?

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” - Earl Nightingale
June 1, 2013
This quote of the week got me thinking a little bit. Since it's around the start of June and I know high school and college sports are coming to an end along with the school year in general, I wanted to get this out. My current seniors at my high school have graduated and my former students in college can both agree on the fact that they can look back at the last few years and talk about as to how fast the time went. A key is to look back and see what they have learned (all the good and the not-so-good stuff they have been through), see where they are today, and then think about (dream) where they are going in their future.
Earl's quote above is totally true. Time goes by anyway, no matter how we spend it, it still goes by and moves on. My message to my students, both former and current, along with any and all students; we have to have some plans, goals, dreams, etc., to go after. With time marching on and not waiting for any of us, we need to ask ourselves "what are we spending our time on?" We need to be dreaming and thinking about our futures, not just this upcoming summer. This summer is indeed part of our future, but so is the rest of the summers - and all the falls, winters, and springs too. Find some time to think about the bigger picture (at least a little bit) along with identifying the people who can help you get there along with doing the things that will help you too. Talk to your coaches, your teammates that are willing to work with you.
For next year's seniors - this summer is the last one to get some good habits going which may help you during next season. Part of those success habits will be making some time to read. Get your mind going and think differently. The mental side of athletics is one that is so vital to success. I will have some things here that may help you out. (see my book list on the homepage). I hope to get some other items out here to help you do some great things this summer for whatever sport you have coming up next season. As always, get in touch with any questions that I might be able to help you with.
June 1, 2013
This quote of the week got me thinking a little bit. Since it's around the start of June and I know high school and college sports are coming to an end along with the school year in general, I wanted to get this out. My current seniors at my high school have graduated and my former students in college can both agree on the fact that they can look back at the last few years and talk about as to how fast the time went. A key is to look back and see what they have learned (all the good and the not-so-good stuff they have been through), see where they are today, and then think about (dream) where they are going in their future.
Earl's quote above is totally true. Time goes by anyway, no matter how we spend it, it still goes by and moves on. My message to my students, both former and current, along with any and all students; we have to have some plans, goals, dreams, etc., to go after. With time marching on and not waiting for any of us, we need to ask ourselves "what are we spending our time on?" We need to be dreaming and thinking about our futures, not just this upcoming summer. This summer is indeed part of our future, but so is the rest of the summers - and all the falls, winters, and springs too. Find some time to think about the bigger picture (at least a little bit) along with identifying the people who can help you get there along with doing the things that will help you too. Talk to your coaches, your teammates that are willing to work with you.
For next year's seniors - this summer is the last one to get some good habits going which may help you during next season. Part of those success habits will be making some time to read. Get your mind going and think differently. The mental side of athletics is one that is so vital to success. I will have some things here that may help you out. (see my book list on the homepage). I hope to get some other items out here to help you do some great things this summer for whatever sport you have coming up next season. As always, get in touch with any questions that I might be able to help you with.
Learn from your failures - as your spring season gets started, fix some things!

April 1, 2013
As your spring season gets started - ask yourself, what are a couple of areas that you have struggled in the past with and what can you do right now to get better at those things? Is it a certain fundamental skill that you might need help with? A certain move? Is it an opponent that always seems to get the best of you?
Whatever it is, focus on learning from past setback with them, whatever it is. Ask your coaches, ask your teammates, whoever can help you out. Make yourself better, not only for yourself, but for your team too. Figure out a couple of things and start this season off on the trail to improvement. Leave me any thoughts or questions - on my home page there is a contact form. Hopefully I can help but I'd also like to learn from you too.
As your spring season gets started - ask yourself, what are a couple of areas that you have struggled in the past with and what can you do right now to get better at those things? Is it a certain fundamental skill that you might need help with? A certain move? Is it an opponent that always seems to get the best of you?
Whatever it is, focus on learning from past setback with them, whatever it is. Ask your coaches, ask your teammates, whoever can help you out. Make yourself better, not only for yourself, but for your team too. Figure out a couple of things and start this season off on the trail to improvement. Leave me any thoughts or questions - on my home page there is a contact form. Hopefully I can help but I'd also like to learn from you too.
School is in session..... are you working on your homework?
June 2012
Eventhough it's summertime and the last thing that most students want to hear about is homework, it's always a good idea to work on this homework.(besides, you are not like most students - you are better than most students since you are a student athlete.)
Your homework assignment is to ask yourself these questions: How can I get better? How can I make my teammates better too? Are things going for me the way I want them to go? What are things that are holding me back from doing the things I want to do and accomplish? There will be a few more items here soon to get you thinking.
Summer is a time to relax, but it's also a time where you can get your edge on competition for the upcoming season too. The hard work you put in now, will indeed pay off next season. Doing the work now is much easier than waiting until your season starts to begin it then. Think about that.... more to come.
Your homework assignment is to ask yourself these questions: How can I get better? How can I make my teammates better too? Are things going for me the way I want them to go? What are things that are holding me back from doing the things I want to do and accomplish? There will be a few more items here soon to get you thinking.
Summer is a time to relax, but it's also a time where you can get your edge on competition for the upcoming season too. The hard work you put in now, will indeed pay off next season. Doing the work now is much easier than waiting until your season starts to begin it then. Think about that.... more to come.