When I first heard Les Brown talk about this - it really hit home with me and my students. Many times I think we give up control to those people in our lives that will fill our heads with doubt. Many times the critics in our lives are those that are the closest to us. Those people that love and care for us - and we for them, will sometimes be the biggest distractors for us to get through.
I am also reminded by this statement that we also have to work on our own opinion of ourselves. If we hear enough negative from others in our lives and add it to our own self-doubting opinion about ourselves, that is a recipe for going nowhere. Where if we have the attitude and mental preparation to take these opinions as fuel or reasons for getting better - to use them as inspiration, well... that's another story. When you actually sit back and think about things like this, isn't it the right thing to do - to take these critics in our lives and use their opinions to help us do more and get better? That's an approach that I think would be great for all of us to use. I know I need to do just that!
There are so many things that Les Brown says that really hits home for me and for my students too. I suggest you look him up and read some of his books, listen to some of his audio recordings, and watch his videos as he's got so many messages to connect with so many different people. Another quote he gave to us in this recent presentation - "the best revenge is massive success." For all the doubters and critics in our lives, that is something that will help others to see our true reality for sure.
Any thoughts or ideas on this from Les Brown. Remember, not only do your thoughts and ideas help me, they help yourself and many others too. When you take the time to put some of these in writing - it gets you thinking about making adjustments in your life. Might be right then when you do it, or later on sometime. Either way, it's good to share your thoughts and ideas on these quotes... so thank you for doing just that.