I got caught. I was listening to Zig Ziglar’s podcasts the other day and something connected with me about the importance of being positive. Then Zig caught me checking out Facebook and there was this quote of his that popped up. It connected right away with me.
I think this is one of the most important things we can spend our time focusing on in our lives. I’ve tried hard over the years to have myself stay away from negative things and thinking. There have been times I’ve been successful and other times quite the opposite. Negativity takes away from so many things in our lives. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. From our health, to our relationships, to our thinking, to everything – negativity affects it all. The same can be said for being positive. It all starts with us taking the time to think, plan and put positive things into action in our lives.
I’m finding that not only is it totally worth it to be positive in life, but also the results or the beautiful things that can happen are simply amazing! Another huge point is that others will notice this too and some very cool things will start to happen to you. It can all point back to having positivity in your life compared to negativity.
I’ve noticed this a lot lately as I’m listening to my podcasts while working out. Besides Zig Ziglar’s podcast, I’m also listening to Sam Crowley’s “Every Day Is Saturday” and Scott Smith and “The Daily Boost” and Andy Stanley’s “Leadership podcast”. The guys who put these out are all different, but their different messages connect with me my heart, my thoughts and ideas on not only what I want to do in my life, but also with the guy I am working on becoming too.
So what is it in your life that is full of negativity and how is it affecting you? Remember, what affects you affects others. Spend a few minutes this week figuring that out and then start to make plans to distance yourself from that negativity and start to see what happens. Don’t be shy, let me know your thoughts, progress or ideas on this. Make it a GREAT day and an even better week!