What a great quote - summertime or during the school year, it doesn't matter. We all should "major" in these two subjects. The key is - where to find the info on these two important topics? One is from the man that gave us this quote. I suggest that you find him on Twitter (@OfficialJimRohn), find his pages on Facebook, check out his website (http://www.jimrohn.com) and find any of his outstanding books that are out there too.
These two subjects should be something that we are all passionate about. Getting good in these two areas will open up the doors for so many other areas. Since we only get one shot at life, we might as well do all we can to make our journey the best it can be. Along with the idea that so many people come in and out of our lives throughout our lifetime, it too is something we might as well handle the best we can by learning as much as we can about people. As I tell my students and my two kids all the time about finding things to be passionate about and then chase after those things.
Study, read, learn all you can about these two subjects. They are simple by just the words - but oh so difficult to really learn about. There is not a better time to learn and study - it's summer! A perfect time to do some reading, thinking and learning. In fact, I will be doing just that. Look for some more things coming out that not only might help you, but I know for sure it will help me. Speaking about help, help me and others by letting me know what you think about this quote. Leave some thoughts here or get in touch with me.