Here is that idea again. We hear it all the time. Why do some people always seem to get lucky, while others struggle? I think Brian Tracy has the right idea about luck. Most of it is predictable. By working hard, getting involved, having goals and dreams along with the understanding that you have to work hard to make things happen; having luck find you, will usually happen.
I see so many people spending their time being resentful and jealous of people that always seem to get "lucky". They complain, criticize, and condemn those people as to how unfair it is for them not to have the same "luck". I've found it to be true that maybe those people should watch and learn from those people who always seem to get lucky. I've heard it over and over again that success leaves clues. Watch and learn from successful people to see how they do things and then maybe try some of those things.
I've found this statement to be true in my life, especially with the "active" part. Being active is a huge key for me and I'm learning that (it's about time) from watching others. As I've heard from Les Brown - "you can die in the stands or you can die on the field" in the game of life. Show up in the game and play! That's great advice for me and maybe it is for you too. In fact, let me know how this quote affects you? I bet I (and others) could learn from you on this.