This quote struck me as being very accurate and right on target for me and plenty of other people that I know. We are all on our own journey of life and the decisions and choices we make help to create the path that we are all on.
Part of that path is obviously the success that we have or don't have throughout our lives. Since we are the major players in our own life journey, our successes are continuing to unfold or disappear based on our choices. There is another saying that I use in my classes, especially my Principles of Leadership class in the spring with my seniors and it says - Every choice we make either takes us closer to our dreams and goals or it takes us further away from them.
As we get older we change. Heck, we change everyday even if it's just hearing and seeing new things. Those things get us thinking, feeling, responding, etc., so that each and everyday there are subtle little things that influence our choices and decisions. I'm reminded about another saying that things that happen to us in life are 10% of the actual thing happening to us and 90% how we respond. The key item is that we get to choose how we respond to these items. We get to let them have control over us or not. This includes the people that come in and out of our lives too. We have to decide on how much control we give to them about how successful or unsuccessful we will be in our lives.
This is why our road to success is always under construction. There are so many factors that come into play each and every day of our lives. The key is to be able to filter through all the distractions and keep moving forward in the direction we want to go in. Of course it's not easy. But it is worth it.