Some of my students and I were lucky enough to hear Doug Evans as a guest speaker in my Principles of Leadership classes last month. He had so many Leadership, Success & Life principles to share with all of us - he did a great job connecting with students. He talked about his initial hesitation and fear of not wanting to write a book. But then he got going (with some other people's encouraging) and wrote parts of other books until he got confident with writing "A Leprechaun in your Pocket".
When I saw this quote posted online from Doug, it connected with me and I wanted to share it with my students too, to help both myself and them to remember those things that are really important in life and to try and not waste time with those things that don't matter. The sooner we can remember what this quote stands for and then implement it into our lives, the better off we will be.
This past weekend I had plenty of reminders on this quote. My daughter had her prom and she looked very beautiful along with her handsome looking boyfriend. We were lucky to have a family picture taken with her, me and my wife and our son too. That picture, along with a couple of other pictures from her final couple of track meets over the last few weeks, are going to be kept by me in some special places - as this is her graduation year. So next weekend is her actual graduation and then her party is after that. I am looking forward to taking it all in and getting more pictures with family and friends to remind me on what is really important in life.
There were also some things that I started getting worked up about - silly, little things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of life (at times it takes me a few moments to remember that fact). That is one thing that I am focused on doing - is that when those moments that come along that are not worth my time, emotion, energy, etc., I am working on recognizing them more for what they are: things to get through, fix, solve, etc., and move on! I need to not let those things take away from the things that are really important. How about you? What are things you are working on to remember more and what things are you working on not keeping with you? Share some thoughts - you never know who you might help with your comments.
You can contact Doug Evans at