Love this quote! Sometimes I think we look at all the many different things we have to do in our lives and we get discouraged at the enormous mountain of stuff. I know sometimes I get overwhelmed and if I can remember to focus on just one thing to work on, it helps me tremendously. I know I can work on one thing at a time, but for me the key is to at least get going on that one thing. I have mentioned to my students this new Winter term that we just started about the W.I.N. principle (What's Important Next) - a great thought that I got from coach Lou Holtz. Something to focus on next time you feel overwhelmed with a bunch of things to do.
With the recent events in Connecticut at the elementary school, this quote also reminds me that when things happen that affect a great number of people in a tragic way, I think it comes down to the fact that we MUST do something. That something has to be bringing us all closer together rather than dividing us more than we already are. I see already the politics getting thrown into this sad and heart-breaking issue. One thing is to hopefully start looking at the way we treat each other. It starts with each of us taking the next steps in our lives to not only make ourselves better but also to help others too. These tragic events always seem to bring us closer together, but it's usually only for a brief amount of time. The lessons from the sad event, gets lost with current events and things going on in our lives.
What are your thoughts on what's happened? What are you going to do about it? How does this affect you? Always interested in learning from others... especially you!