A common theme that keeps repeating itself for me on Saturday mornings with my coffee; I am looking for, finding and reading about some great ideas to share with others. Today is no exception as I find some empowering quotes, articles, videos, blogs, etc., that I will be utilizing for future use.
One that I came across this morning was this quote from Rosabeth Moss Kanter. The reason it connected with me was that I was listening to a podcast the other day about traits of successful entrepreneurs and one of the first ones that was discussed was that of having Vision. Now, whether you are an entrepreneur or not doesn’t really matter. I remember in the podcast that the speaker mentioned that exact point due to the well known fact that these many skills that entrepreneurs have, those same skills connect with success for everyone in life.
One of the many things that I try and get my students to see, think and act upon is the idea of having a vision for their future. One of the many ideas I share with them is about dreams and some students think that whole term is something that won’t come real, or they hear it all the time and that it’s not something for them. So whether you call it having dreams, having a vision, etc., the key point is doing something about those ideas. The action step that is needed is what helps to make these things happen.
The point I always share to my students is that if they don’t dream it, think about it, that it (whatever it is) won’t happen! First thing is there has to be that thought or idea and then there must be the action steps to make it become real. Without the thought or idea – there will be plenty of actions steps (going through life, getting up every day, working at something, the regular mundane things, etc.,) and we will end up some place for sure. However, we will not be the ones in charge – it will be life dictating us on what happens in our lives.
I love how this point about vision directly connects with us having a call to become something more, something better, something bigger than where we are currently at. I've had this calling inside of me my whole life and now that I am older I can see that fact that I've always had this in me. Wow… that just hit me… as I think back throughout my life of having this idea or calling inside of me – of making a difference with others, helping them to do more, get better and go in a direction that is right for them. It seems that I've only just really focused on this for the last 15-18 years or so, but it has had roots in me for as long as I can remember.
My advice to you – don’t wait so long to get in touch with what’s inside of you. Have that vision for your life connected to your heart and soul. Get rid of the distractions in your life and those around you that add to the wasting of time, drama, stress, etc., and zero in on that better self that is inside of you along with doing the things to doing more and getting better.