This got me thinking simply from the fact that it’s political season again and it seems that most, if not all the candidates that are running for president are just not connecting with me about them having solutions to the problems our country faces. In fact I think it’s most of America that see them as continuing to be part of the problems that we have in our country.
It’s hard to remember a time where our country has not been so divided in what it seems as so many different areas too. I don’t see any political party helping this out at all. That’s what real leadership is all about, finding solutions for problems that affect people. To be a difference maker for those people, that’s what elected officials are supposed to offer – service to the people they represent. It seems that blame just keeps getting passed back and forth.
I even forget this point as there are times I don’t help out problems and issues that go on around me, my family, my job, etc. I do like to think though that I work at getting back to the idea of offering ideas to solve or help the problems that are going on around us. I try not to stay in that negative mindset of pointing out the brick walls that we have to deal with, the blame game, and just that overall negative victim mentality.
Seeing that the majority of our government leaders seem to have issues with solving problems along with creating more problems and dividing our society, I guess it’s up to us. We not only have the power, privilege, and responsibility to hold them accountable but we also need to take this approach with ourselves and our lives. We need to be an active part of the solution for our own problems that we face throughout our lives. That does not mean we don’t need help, but we won’t solve our own issues if we are not actively working on ourselves to find solutions.
I need this quote this morning as my day got started out in a not so positive way – mainly due to me not thinking too clearly as I said something to my wife as she walked out the door that wasn’t the best thing to start her day off. I should have known better for sure. Now that I’ve read this quote again, I need to adjust my thinking and my actions to not only solve some problems that have come up with a variety of things we need to have done here to our house, but also to repair some damage I did this morning with my words.