When it comes down to it, I think most of us are the least honest with ourselves compared to trying to be honest with other people. There are things about ourselves that only we know about, but yet we have a difficult time sometimes being honest with ourselves about fixing or improving things in our lives. Maybe it’s just me, but I find myself having difficulty sometimes being honest with myself. This is something that I’ve been working on little by little over the years.
I think the sooner we can become honest with ourselves, our whole world can change. If we are honest with ourselves then that will hopefully lead to doing things better which hopefully lead to better habits. Better habits will lead to better results, but it really starts with us being honest with ourselves.
Look around today at the lack of honesty. Companies have issues with this. Politicians have issues with this. There are all walks of life and professions that have trouble being honest. It’s one of the biggest things in our life that needs to be looked at being fixed. But remember, the government can‘t do it for us, that’s for sure. I think too many people are looking at the government or others to fix this issue. We need to be the ones and it starts by one, ourselves.
Everyday actions, everyday thoughts, everyday in the way we treat others – that’s one way to lead by example to set a new example on how things should be done. It’s amazing to see so many of the world’s problems caused by character type issues. It can be fixed. It has to be fixed as the direction and path that we are on as a society is not a good one at all. It’s up to us plain and simple. Is it easy work? Heck no. Is it worth doing? You better believe it is. Just remember, it’s not one of us trying to do it all on our own. It’s all of us doing what we can do, and the first step is to be honest with ourselves. That first step will help us to do what we have to do to help others for sure. Now be honest – what can you do?