First of all, I got connected with some awesome people that have taught me some very valuable lessons. One of the best things about this is that I’m still in touch with them and I’m still learning new lessons, which I need to do bigtime! The confidence factor that they have helped me with was something that I think meant the most. Their encouragement in my goals and dreams was something that I needed for sure. I got my podcasts going and I am looking forward to working on other projects coming up soon too.
Part of that was the fact that I found all of them have battles that they are fighting. Things going on in their lives and trying to do good things and go after their dreams and goals. Those things they were going through were some of the very reasons why they wanted to do what they were doing! I’ve seen it around other places too and I know darn well the validity of this – all of us are battling some sort of issue that gets in the way of things we want to do in life. The same can be said that it’s more than one issue too. The amazing part is – the help that we are giving each other by sharing our stories, learning from each other, encouraging each other, along with helping to instill hope in each other – all of that is a very powerful formula for success.
Another lesson this summer came from someone from my past. A friend of mine that I grew up with and knew from middle school on. We were not great friends, but good ones. She was actually my senior prom date in 1984 and her name was Erin. She passed away back in February of this year from a battle with cancer. Sad to say, I didn’t find out about it until last month. I am amazed and upset with myself for not knowing, especially in this age of social media where I can do a much better job on connecting with people that I cared about throughout my life. Sad to say, I did not do that with Erin.
You see, I’ve been on a type of quest to tell people from my past how much they have meant to me along with thanking them for the investment they made into me – even if it was brief, it’s something that I can now see was very important for me and my life’s journey. I’ve told some people that exact thing, but others I have not. Erin was one that I had meant to tell her, but time ran out on her and me to do that. What a painful but valuable lesson as I now know I need to reach out to other in my life and let them know. The key is, like many other things in life, is not to put it off.
Another one of the valuable lessons I learned this summer was that of one I already knew about, but sort of forgot about the value of it. The lesson? How valuable reading books can be. I got a couple of them done this summer and it has inspired me to try and read a book a month in the upcoming year. I have a new #1 most favorite book on my list – and that is “On Fire” by John O’Leary. It is one that I recommend you read. It is an amazing & life changing story that has greatly affected the way I am viewing things in my life. Always open to discussion and feedback.. let me know.