Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
~ Author Unknown
As our seniors finish up their year this week, I saw this quote and it fit perfectly. it's obvious a great quote for them as the graduate soon and get on with their adult lives, but it's also a great reminder for the rest of us that have already graduated along with those that have not finished up school. In fact, this quote has come up a couple of times in our Principles of Leadership class this term. We have heard it from a couple of our guest speakers in the past few weeks.
This should get us thinking along with reminding us that the sooner we start working on these items in our life, the more of a difference we can make not only with our own life but in the lives of others too. It gives us something to focus on everyday. As we get older, the thoughts of not only our destiny come more into our minds, but also that of our legacy. What will we be leaving behind once we are gone? What were we really all about?
This also gets me thinking and I hope it does for you too, that we can go after anything we want in life if we just take these ideas to heart. It's very difficult to watch and control our thinking - but it's worth it. The 6 inches between our ears should be the most guarded area in the world to us, but usually it's not. We need to keep in mind what enters our mind. (funny, but true). The words we think and then speak, they are very powerful. They can be uplifting for ourselves and others; but they can also cause pain too if we are not careful.
The actions that follow our words are something too that we must keep an eye on. I know I've been trying very hard on this one, not always successful, but always trying to improve my actions following my words. The battle that I think we are all on, I know this is very true for me, is dealing with our habits. Habits are things that we need to constantly look at and work on. They do become what we are all about and since habits are tough to break, I think we need to focus on making those habits good ones since they do become our character and who we are. This leads obviously to our destiny. In other words what we spend our short time here on earth doing, being, thinking, and showing others - does become our destiny.
So as our seniors graduate this spring, they will probably find out soon enough that this is something that will take the rest of their lives to work on. Along with the fact that "school" is usually never over as life is the biggest school of all. We constantly learn, fail, get up, fix things, get better hopefully, and keep going. The key is to remember this quote often so that it can continue to be something we work on every day. What would be your message to yourself, your fellow graduates, or maybe it's the advice that we could give to graduates in general? What would it be?