One of the nine factors the article talked about was actually #1 on the list - and that is TIME! Not sure why it's #1 from this author, but I would also put it at the most important spot too. It's the one thing that we all need to manage better. In other words how we spend our time. It's the one resource that once it's gone, we can't get it back. Contrary to some peoples thoughts - I do think we can manage time. We manage money - how we spend it, what we do with it. The same goes with time. I am constantly looking to improve how I manage the use of my time.
Determination is another big one for me. One of which I need to work on a lot more. I've been looking to improve this one for a long time and to me Courage fits right with this one. The whole confidence factor is one that is closely connected. I need to keep investing to improve all of these with myself. I can see that since I've been focused on these, my life has improved in many ways. Now the key is to ramp up the efforts needed to grow in these areas even more. Articles like this along with reading my students' blog posts are key!!
Final of the 3 points for me??? It has to be Heart and Soul. There are so many things that come into play here with this one. The passion and heart that we need in life for things that mean something to us - those are the things that we need to put more focus into. I just read one of my student's blog post about this same article. She mentioned that if she has passion and heart for something in her life - she will find a way to make it work and to ultimately make some $$ from doing it. Having heart and soul for life, for people, for things that we spend our time with, etc., it's one thing that as I get older I have found to be even more and more important. Important enough for me to keep working on them. :-)