There’s not a day that goes by where one of my may weaknesses taps me on the shoulder to lets me know that they are still around. Heck, every day they really don’t have to let me know, I know they are there. I know we all have weaknesses and I think many of us know & admit plenty of them that we have in our lives, but how many of us are willing to do anything about them?
Zig reminds us that we should be conscious of them and look to improve them. Since there are so many of them that some of us have (like me), I guess it’s something of a challenge to turn these into strengths. The way I look at it, I can become an even better and stronger person when first admitting to my weaknesses and then choosing to improve upon them to become better.
As I am sitting here at our kitchen table with the cold 35-degree morning outside; the sunshine is pouring in on me and our dog (who is sitting here with me too just looking outside) and I am warmed by the sun, my coffee and this whole concept that Zig’s talking about and it puts a smile on my face. Why a smile you ask? I have so many areas in my life to get better at, that’s why.
First, it’s an incredible challenge I think to first admit that we do indeed have many weaknesses. Second it’s an equally important challenge to want to do something to improve those areas of our lives. I really kind of chuckle as to all the choices I have to improve and get better. For me it’s easy to identify the areas of improvement, since there are so many. Now the crucial part is for me to start the action steps to actually do something about them.
The other important element is the time factor. None of us have the time that we think we do since it does go by fast and there are really no guarantees as to how much we have. The time is now for us to take those important action steps. For me, my son has actually helped in that he has cleaned our basement so that the table down there is now usable. I can do my school work, work on my blogs, my videos, my podcasts, and other projects that I know that I need to work on.
Cleaning you say? What’s the big deal? To me, there have always been so many excuses, plus I get distracted when I go through things most times. For him to do this, he has eliminated a brick wall for me. Now I not only need to take the lesson from him (action, do something about the clutter in my life) to clean up plenty of things that I know I have to get rid of and I am willing to part with it too. This also helps set the stage for me to do the things that I want to do and I didn’t have a place to do them. A simple act by son, has helped me face some of my weaknesses (procrastination, lack of action & focus, etc.) It’s time to take advantage of this opportunity.
Now, time to feed our dog his breakfast and take him for his walk on this gorgeous morning. Then another cup of coffee when I come back which I will take with me down into the basement to get some things done today before we head out to spend some time with my parents. What weaknesses can you take a look at? Who is there to help you with them or is it up to you to take that first step of action? Either way, look at something today to improve upon and then be willing to do it. As always, look to share this part of your story so you can help others.