I've been listening to a lot of Dr. Wayne Dyer over the last few years - and I've come to the notion that the man knows what he is talking about. We all totally have choices to make every day. This is one of the most important ones that we can make every day and the earlier in the day we decide to get motivated - the better.
I've tried over the years to be conscious of this fact - that it is totally up to me to decide how I deal with things. There are certainly plenty of things in the world that can make us miserable, and that's exactly how some people deal with those things - they let them make them miserable. I like that thought - "Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." No matter what it is - it is totally our choice.
I'm working hard at remembering this fact that Wayne brought up here. I'm trying to catch myself when I start reacting to things in a not so positive way. Try this - find some things to read, watch, or listen to from Dr. Wayne Dyer. I've found a few of his audio recordings that I have on my iPod.... great things this man brings out to the world. You want to find something to do during these cold winter months?? Listen to some of is recordings, watch some of his videos or pick up one of his many books. Great things to change your life around, that's how special this guy's work is. Let me know what you think about his stuff... great conversations can be had for sure.