I've become focused on paying attention a little bit more as I get older. I try to pay attention to my wife and my kids more, still got to work on the listening part of things but I really am working at improving in this area. One thing I'm paying attention to for sure are a few leaders and the information they put out. One of them is Tim Fargo. Tim sends out very thought provoking things that really tie into life and to making a difference with people too.
So when I saw this post from him with this quote, I had to use it. I used it with my quote of the week for my students too. I put it with this picture since it seems so many people put their problems out there in the social media world to be seen by everyone. Like Tim says, maybe facing them and seeing what can be done about them, rather than posting them, might turn out to be some helpful advice.
One of our good friends (my wife and I) she has stated once again that she is taking the summer off from being on Facebook. She has mentioned the drama, the negative postings, etc. that gets her a little upset and tired of seeing them all the time. I totally agree with her and can totally see her point of view.
Not only do I put my quotes of the week out for my students and others, but I do it for myself too. Usually it is something that connects with me, some lesson that I need to still learn or at least be reminded about. This one is no exception. I just had a quick discussion yesterday with my son about things like this. I envy him since he usually sets out to do things he wants to do without letting problems get in the way. I am still working on this. But Tim is right - not facing them, especially the big problems, it is indeed adding another problem to the list of problems to take care of. Taking care of problems when they are small is a lot better than waiting until they have become bigger. I got plenty and yes I think it's a good time to not add any more to my list that I have to deal with. What about you? Any thoughts or ideas as to how you handle taking care of your problems? How do you face them? Do you post it out there for all to see? As always, looking for thought, ideas and discussions.
You can find Tim Fargo on Twitter: @alphabetsuccess