As we celebrated our country’s birthday again this past July 4, I was seeing a lot of different quotes and ideas about our nation’s birthday. I’m a big fan of John Wayne, always have been as a little kid and I always will be as a big kid too. I loved his toughness, fairness, strength, courage, etc. Now, most of this was from his movie characters, but learning that was the kind of guy he was outside of the movies too as connected me to him even more.
I put out my American flag a few days ago in front of our house and I noticed a few other houses in our neighborhood had one flying too. That is always great to see, even though there are still not that many flags flying, and there should be. There always seems to be a lot of great pride in the 4th of July holiday, but I wonder sometimes, as with all the holidays, how much we take it for granted. How most people, including me at times, look forward to the time off or the chance to get away more than what the true meaning of the holiday and what the celebration should really be about.
Sure our country has problems and issues, which country doesn’t? Since our country (and every other country) is made up of different people, there will always be issues. When people are involved with things, those things can get very messy. They key is becoming clearer to me as I get a little bit older. Our country does have issues that have to be solved. It involves those of us that live here to start doing things to help solve the problems and issues we have, not to add more problems to the growing list. We should all realize that in order for us to solve the problems and issues we are facing, WE have to be the ones to start doing something about them. We cannot keep looking to our government to solve them. Our government is a BIG part of the problems and issues we have to face. Now before you start going after me because of this view, hear me out. Since WE make up the government, or at least we are supposed to, we all are the ones that equally are part of the problems we face. This is not a political party issue, this is an American issue!
I am more focused now than ever before of trying to be a difference maker with others. I’m to encourage others more. I’m looking to lead by example more, that’s for sure. This also means that I need to continue to work on myself even more. My habits, my thinking, my connecting to others, encouraging my wife, kids, others even more to follow their hearts in their life’s journey; this and more is what I’m looking at improving. What are a few things you can do? Heck, what is just one thing you can improve upon? Answer that and start doing something about it. We all don’t have as much time as we think we do, that’s for sure. For me, that’s hitting me in the face more and more with all the lessons that are out there for me to learn. It would be great for you to pick up the lessons that life is sharing with you so that you can make a difference to yourself and others. I'm just saying... :-) Always let me know how we can help each other out with these things as there is power in numbers.