What a great way to start thinking for the start of 2016. There are certain people in the world that we should listen to, Oprah is one of them. The results that she has in many areas should show us that listening to her might help us in some way. Some people may not like her, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn valuable lessons from. I for one, like her and admire her for what she has done throughout her life and I realize she has some valuable lessons that I can learn from.
There are two huge lessons in this quote. First, we are indeed responsible for our own life. We can think on our own, make choices on our own, get up and do things, go places, connect with people we want to connect with, choose our career that we want to go after, choose what we say, etc., the list goes on and on and on. It all has to do with our habits and our thinking. The input we put into our heads, the information that we choose to let affect us – that is what helps or hurts us as we go through life.
The second part is equally as important. Those choices and decisions we make, not only affects us in the here and now, but it also sets the table so to speak about where we go in our future too. It’s so important to recognize the fact that the choices, thoughts, decisions, etc., that we make today, does indeed affect the direction of our tomorrows.
The sooner we take responsibility for ourselves and our futures, the sooner we can go into a great direction that will make a difference in our lives. It also makes a difference with each and every person we come into contact with too as we do affect others. Notice, we affect others – as other people affect us too. It’s a fine line of how much we let others affect us and our lives. We have to look towards surrounding ourselves with good people. Those that add value to our lives and are a positive influence on us. This helps in our making decisions and choices that truly affects our lives and our futures. It’s true on the other side too. If there are people that influence us that take away value, that affect us negatively – there are results that come with those relationships too.
Always remember this too – we affect others as well. Are we adding value to others? Or are we taking value away from them? Which one do you want to be? A few good thoughts to get us going into 2016.