As time seems to be flying by faster and faster for a lot of people, we all need to realize that just because things are changing, we need to ask ourselves are we really growing during the changes? Are we getting better? Or are we just staying the same.
So many of us, including myself always seem to be busy, but what are we busy doing? Are we moving forward in our lives? Moving towards the person we want to be?
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts yesterday while I was mowing the lawn. Sam Crowley talked about defining ourselves and getting to know ourselves and finding out who do we really want to become? The changes that happen in our lives should be focused on helping us to define who we are and where we want to go.
Since we are constantly changing and getting older every day, this advice from Sam really connects with this quote. We really need to focus in on having a say in our life as to what changes we go through, instead of letting changes just happen to us. Since we are moving and doing things every day, we must also focus in on that movement and make sure it’s in a direction that we want it to be in. If we define ourselves as to who we are along with who we really want to be, both of these parts of this equation should make more sense for us.
Remember what Morrie Schwartz said about getting older. It doesn’t always mean decay, it also means growth. Also remember we will decay as we get older without growing, learning, getting better and focusing on where we want to go.
The sooner we figure all of this out, the better we and everyone around us will be. I’m working at figuring this out for me and I hope you are doing the same. Share your thoughts and ideas. I’m always looking forward to hearing what is on your mind.