First thought that came to mind when I saw this was that how impressed I was earlier this morning when I was writing a response back to a student's assignment about all the people throughout my lifetime that have made a difference with me. I was on that thought because I have put myself into the life-long mode of trying to make a difference with as many people as I can to help pay back all those that made a difference with me.
I've said it others that I could live to be a 150 years old and still would not be able to pay it all back as to the differences that were made with me by others investing their times, energy and efforts into me. Thinking back to my parents, they were the biggest supporters of me. Dr. Wells Cook at Central Michigan University was another - next to my parents, this man had the biggest influence on my life. Other teachers, coaches, neighbors, family members, friends and plenty of my students too over the years have helped me more than they will ever know.
Just like on the basketball court, I try and get my players to always understand that they can do a heck of a lot more together than they can do on their own. Where in your life can you thank those that have helped you? And even more important - one thing I always try and get my student to see besides thanking those that have helped them... is to find out how you can help others. :-) Any thoughts?