I knew that “the Boss” knew music. What I didn’t know that he was so wise about people. I think most people have this thought about becoming some type of person throughout life, but I don’t think that it appears too often together with another powerful thought. Not only do people get to a point of wanting to become somebody that means something to you yourself, but the “wanting that” becomes painful when you are not doing something about it. There is a time and place for just starting to be that person that you want to be and not put it off anymore.
It sure is frustrating and painful for many of us that for many reasons keep putting off becoming the person we want to be. I think for some people, they don’t understand this dilemma since they just go out and become the person they want to be without spending too much time thinking about things. The time is now, today to start doing things in order to become that person for ourselves. There is no better time than the present to start on this journey.
Me? I’ve been on this journey a long time. Looking back in my past even in 4th and 5th grades, I can remember having thoughts and ideas on what I wanted to become. It wasn’t a teacher or a certain profession, but I started to think about my future and where I wanted to go in my life. Stumbling and bumbling throughout life, I ended up in a profession that means the world to me. It’s become part of my identity for sure. This was due to mainly the people in my life that helped guide me to where I am today. Of course I chose things that contributed to my journey into coaching and teaching. I still look back with a lot of humility and gratefulness on how I ended up where I am today.
Another key for me is that I know I’m not who I want to be yet. There are new and exciting ideas I have for my life that I didn’t have a few years ago. The people in my life that I want to positively affect have made a big difference for me too. There are things I want to do both in and out of the education field and I realize I have to get going on those things quickly. The other factor that I have realized – and this is a key we all have to connect with – is how fast time is going by and how much time we really don’t have to do all these things.
It comes down to action folks. I know some of you are better at it than I am. I’m behind the learning curve on this one (for the most part), but I’m not going to quit. In fact, thanks to many people in my life – I’m more inspired now than ever before. What about you? What’s got you fired up and excited about doing what you have to do, to become the person you want to be??