― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
Just got done with watching Dr. Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture" with my Leadership classes. Wow! Talk about lessons for life! I've watched this video many times over the last few years and I still come away with many new lessons learned. If you have not watched it, look it up on YouTube and take some time to watch, listen and learn. Then find the book and read that too. Many different lessons in there, since it's from a little bit different perspective from Randy.
Out of the many lessons, this one on what he says about Experience is huge. We usually get it when we don't get what we want in life. There are so many lessons by the "not" getting what we wanted, but most people just see the part that they didn't get what the wanted. This missed out on the experience of what happened along with looking at the why it didn't happen. Randy ties this into setting goals and being on a journey to achieve those goals, but then the goal doesn't happen. The lessons he learned were more valuable to him than if would have achieved the goal itself. How do you ask?
Along his journey trying to achieve the goal, the lessons he learned along the way taught him more about life than he ever thought he would learn. Unlike most people, Randy took those lessons and applied them to so many other parts of his life. Most people would be hung up on the fact that they didn't achieve their goal and miss out on the lessons. You want something that will offer you lessons that will affect your life (if you let it, that is), then watch his video and grab his book. There will be more from Dr. Randy Pausch that I will offer in future posts. Let me know what you learn from his video and book... remember the lessons never end.