Getting caught up here after many distractions (some of them good ones) have gotten in the way.
This statement by James A. Ray is probably easier to see for some of us as we get older. For others it is probably more difficult. One of the keys I try and get my students to see that whatever the thoughts that are like this one, it's better to have them earlier in life than later. The earlier people can get started on getting this spark to light up and catch fire inside of themselves, the better their lives will be. Not only their lives, but those that they come in contact with too.
This is a constant item to focus on in our lives. We need to first connect with these seeds of greatness inside of us. Of course that is far more difficult to do as there are so many battles to be fought throughout life with things that will tell us the opposite - that we don't have any greatness inside of ourselves. The battles will be fought against other people, the world view of things, social media, etc., but mainly it will be fought with ourselves. I've always told my students, my basketball players, heck... anyone that will listen that we can do far more damage to ourselves with our self-talk than any other person can do due to us. It is a battle worth fighting though, that's for sure.
We also need to focus in and find those things that are inside of us that we need to and want to do in our lives. Finding those things we have passion for can help lead us to what our true purpose is here in our lives. Focusing on the things that can help us is one of the many things we need to get going on. One of the other things, is to get rid of those things that get in the way of finding out what the greatness is inside of ourselves.
It can start today for you and me. What are some of the things in our lives that we are spending our precious time on? Are they things that are important to us? Are they things that are helping us go in a positive direction in our lives? Are they things that help us connect with great people that will add positive value to our lives? Or, are they things that go against those things? So, get started today. Read more things that get you thinking in a more positive direction of your life and what are you doing with it. Find the people that have what you want in life. Learn from those people that can add value to your life instead of taking value away from you and what you want to do. One other key - is to be that person for others too. Always look to add value to others and watch the great things that can happen to you in your life.
As always, share with me some ideas that are working for you. I'm always looking for ways to improve and get better along with helping others to do the same too.
Feels good to be back... I need to keep on this trail for sure. :-)