Having celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here is the USA last week, that celebration got me thinking about a few things. There were many quotes I found from him but this one connected to me right away.
When there is darkness, only light can drive it away, not more darkness. So this could be the darkness of a room, or the darkness and negativity that are present everyday of our lives. The same connection can be said about hate and love. Only love can drive away hate, not more hate, anger and negativity. It’s become clear to me that I also need to have less negativity, hate, anger, and all around general BS in my life too. It’s a conscious choice of mine to continue working on making that happen.
It’s also been said that with the choices we have in our lives, we can choose to work with light or positivity in life. We can also choose to be the source of it or even to be the mirror that reflects it. Remember that the mirror helps the light get to places that normally maybe wouldn’t see it. It’s the same in life with love and positivity. It’s a conscious choice that we have the opportunity to make every day in our lives. We don’t have to be the source of the light, but we certainly can reflect or pass on the light and positivity that we find.
In today’s world it certainly seems that we need more lights along with more mirrors. No matter where we are and what we do for a living, this is always one of those important tasks to take on to not only help ourselves, but also to help others that are around us too. There are so many messages that Dr. King shared with us that are still being shared today. More importantly, they are still relevant today and are still needed too.
What can you do to help with this message in your life? Maybe more importantly, what can you do to help those around you with this message? You can either be the light source or be the mirror that the light will reflect. A good choice either way.