Zig strikes again! This idea I've heard from both Zig and Les Brown lately - and I'm sure many others have mentioned it too. I guess it's finally connected with me that I wanted to get this out and have hopefully some people take it in and think deeply about how true this statement really is. I guess getting older too helps open up my mind a little bit more to accept and think about new thoughts and ideas. Once again, sure would be nice to have that concept earlier, but I'm very happy I have it now.
How long will it take you to read over and think about this statement as to how much truth it really holds? As I think about it, my first thoughts about it for me tend to go towards the negative - I know, it's something I need to continue to work on. I will tell you that I am catching onto that fact that I realize my negative thinking comes on - this is happening faster and faster recently so that I can make a change or focus as to how my thoughts are affecting me. Now on that one. I'm proud of myself and looking to continue to get better. :-) Getting back to that point - I sometimes look first as to how I've dropped the ball on this "awesome responsibility" as Zig puts it. I do believe that I'm the only person that can take my abilities and use them for the good of helping others. For so long, I've really not taken this to the full extent that I know I can. I've done enough to be ok in many areas of teaching, coaching, being a dad, being a husband, a son, a friend, etc. But to say that I've always tried my hardest and done my best, well... that's where I know I have dropped the ball so to speak.
Again, I think the key is for me personally - is that I now realize that. Many times I would feel down on myself for realizing that fact and I am having a little more success in realizing that I can still change and get better. I am turning quicker from those feelings of sorrow on myself to knowing that I need to do something about it. We all must realize that if we don't act and do the things with our abilities that we know we have, we are really doing an injustice to so many people that we can help. I think the cost of us not learning about our abilities and talents that we can use to help others, is really something that will hurt us so much at the end of our lives. It is connected again with what Les Brown has said - that the most valuable piece of land or real estate is the graveyard. All the ideas, thoughts, plans, goals, dreams, etc,, that never were acted upon - all die with that person that had them inside of them. The other cost, probably a greater one is that the people we were supposed to help will never ever happen. There could be someone we help that in turn will help thousands or tens of thousands (or more) and without us doing what we should do - that person and all the ones after that will never know what they could do.
I don't know about you, but as I get started on my 25th year in education - I know that this quote among many others will help me probably more so this school year than any others in the past. With all the negativity and uneasiness in education and in life in general, I know the more people that listen to Zig and then listen to their hearts will help make a difference in so many ways. As I've told my students throughout the years - it's time for me to "shut up", because when I'm doing all the talking I'm not learning anything. What are your thoughts and ideas about this quote and any other quotes that I've posted. Me and so many others would appreciate your thoughts and ideas. I'm always interested... just let me know.