One of the simplest thoughts with some of the biggest payoffs around. When I saw this quote the other day, not only did I stop and think about it, but then I also put it into play. There have a been a few sleepless nights lately due to me worrying about things that I really can't control and / or things that haven't even happened yet, and chances are they won't happen. When I started to focus on the good things I have in my life, most of the worries take a hike. I tell you this, getting a good night's sleep is not overrated.
I've read it a lot, had this statement told to me a lot - that we are what we think about. That sure is the truth. As I get ready to embark not only on a new school year, but another year as a husband, father, son, friend, teacher, etc.; I know how much better things will be if I have my focused attention on all the countless blessings that I have in my life and not the worries, stresses, low-points, negativity from others, etc. It does indeed take effort, but it's effort that has a huge payday!
This also helps me to see more positive things in others - especially since many of the others that I am talking about are part of my blessings in my life. My wife, my kids, my parents and in-laws, my co-workers, my students, my neighbors, my friends, etc. There is a very peaceful feeling or mind-set when I sit back and think about this. It's very powerful too as I really get a sense of confidence for myself when I think about this quote from good 'ol Willie. Willie Nelson sure could sing. He also knows about life too.
Any thoughts to share? to help others? Always looking to get feedback to gather more information on these thoughts and topics. Drop me a note too if you want to.