With all the things that we can do to improve ourselves, there seems to be a quote that is great to think about as we end one year and start off a new one. Coach John Wooden had so much success in basketball, but what everyone has to understand is that he had even more success teaching leadership lessons.
Success has so many puzzle pieces to it since it means different things to different people. Since it deals with doing our best to become all that we are capable of becoming, there has to be time spent on improving ourselves in many different areas.
Coach is right as success is indeed peace of mind. That is one thing that all of us need to work on is our mind and the things that come into our minds. Those things can make a distinct difference in what success we have going towards goals and dreams that we have. Reading is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. New information that gets our minds working on new ideas and thoughts, these things can really help us doing our best.
Doing our best has so much to do with what we are thinking about. This quote has got me thinking that I need to continue to work hard at doing my best, which in many areas in my life I am not doing and when I look back at those areas, it shows up to me as I don’t have the self-satisfaction knowing that I have not done my best. I can tell you though, that I’m looking forward to fixing that starting now. I don’t need to wait for the new year as I’m going to start today and then work hard to continue it into the new year.
Speaking of the new year – if we look at this quote and focus on all the parts that go with it (the exercise, eating right, fixing old habits and starting new ones, reading more, improving our relationships, etc.), all the resolutions should connect with Coach Wooden’s statement. The other big key, don’t just make them for New Years Day. These things should be worked on all year long. How does Coach Wooden’s statement connect with you?