Looking through some articles here on a Sunday morning with my coffee, I found one that connected with me rather strongly. Good thing I have my coffee going so that I caught this one. I find a lot of great articles, quotes, ideas, etc., from Success magazine. This article was dealing with how positivity helps to make you healthier.
Now, that is not something that is newsworthy to me. This fact is something I have known for years and I’ve tried to practice it. The one thing that jumped out to me was one of the first major points of the article and it dealt with negative self-talk. That is something for sure that I’ve battle with for such a long time and even before I saw this article this morning, I was battling some negative self-talk to start my day off today. The key was and always is for me, to identify the fact that I’m doing it and to catch it and make changes in my thoughts at that time. Usually I would let it simmer and do something with my time that would strengthen the negative thoughts and ideas.
Well this morning, I spent some time reflecting and thinking about turning it around as I spent some time with our dog sitting on my lap. Normally I would have turned on the TV (and almost did) to sit for an hour or so watching Sports Center or something. Nothing wrong with Sports Center at all. In fact there are days I enjoy catching up on sports news as I do enjoy sports tremendously. But, the morning it would have fed into my doubts and insecurities and kept me from doing this post, getting some reading done, putting something together for my Facebook page, and start planning for my next podcast along with other things. It would have kept me in my comfort zone instead and started my day off in not a horrible way – but not the way I wanted it to be.
I think this is a powerful lesson for not just myself as I think many people battle with this negative self-talk going on inside their own heads. I know it’s a big focus of mine with our basketball team and it has reinforced my planning on putting something together – TODAY – that will help my team out this summer, the upcoming school year, our season of course; but more importantly for the rest of their lives too!
Here is the link to that article that got all of this going for me this morning: Click HERE
As I have sat down to write this, a couple of more ideas popped into my head and for the first time… I’m writing them down. Usually I keep thinking I will remember to do them later – I have found throughout my life, that I need to not trust my memory and to write them down. How can you work on your negative self-talk? What are some things you need help with? What are some things you can share that just might help others?