"Alex Sheen is on a mission to better humanity through promises made and promises kept. As the founder of the social movement and nonprofit “because I said I would,” Alex believes individuals can create a world where promises are kept, fostering trust, empathy, and positive change."
This interview had many emotional parts to it & I hit some of the emotions while at the gym and I had to chuckle at myself wondering if anyone saw me getting a bit misty-eyed on the weight machine I was using & maybe they were wondering if I was ok or not. One of the parts that I have listened to a few times was when Alex was asked the question about what was the best advice he had ever received. His answer - "I don't have to. I get to." The one of a few examples on this one really got to me. It was about his dog that passed away in 2020 after 14 years of companionship. He didn't have to get up at 4 in the morning when his dog would lick his face, which told him that he had to go out & do his "business.".... Alex GOT to get up to do this. He mentioned he would give anything to have one more face-licking at 4 a.m. That got me simply because that is what our dog does to me and I'm the only one that will get up with him. No matter what time, no matter the weather, no matter what. I will also miss that for sure when it no longer happens.
He mentioned that our "get toos" could be someone else's best days ever! That what we sometimes might think is a burden, there are tons of people from around the world that would love to "get to" do that thing that we might complain about or dread doing. Now I know that I can't do this mindset shift for each and every single thing I "have to" do. But I sure can set up my life with more things to work on and do - that I can take the view of "get to", rather than "have to." In fact, I got up early this morning (Sunday, July 9, 2023), because I was a bit more fired up about things that I want to do... things that I GET TO do.
What are some things you can change to "get to" instead of "have to"?
Listen to John O'Leary's conversation with Alex Sheen HERE. It will get you thinking in some new & different ways. I promise.
You can also view a quick video I put together on my Coach John Daly Facebook page - click HERE to see that.