As I have my coffee this morning and I’m watching the sad news about Stuart Scott passing away from his 3 time battle with cancer, I sure shed a few tears I got to be honest. I never met the man, but I sure did watch and listen to him. Especially when he got sick and found out about the cancer that he had to fight; that’s when there were even more lessons for us to learn from him.
There is a key here that ties into the quote I picked out for this week. We can learn from so many people in so many different areas in our life. There are those like Stuart that we just see on TV and we listen to them along with reading things about them, there are lessons there for us to learn from. Obviously this might be easier with people that are around us, that we know and that we can spend time with and talk with. We need to recognize there lies opportunity to learn in both examples.
As I start off the new year, still recovering from back surgery, I have had a little more time than I normally do to think about a few things. The dreams that I have, are still there. They are still there because I really haven’t done much about making them come true. Gail Devers is right, we have to keep our dreams alive. The point about having faith in ourselves is huge! Without that, it’s going to be almost impossible to make those dreams come true.
The belief in ourselves is needed to even get to the part where we have to have the vision, the hard work, the determination and dedication that is needed. What Stuart Scott did and others are too for me, is to show plenty of examples of that process that they have through all the difficulties and adversities that they face.
My wife and I were just talking about the fact that everyone has difficulties and challenges in their lives, everyone. We are too. I had the same discussion with a college friend of mine, a few coworkers, former students, my son, my daughter and even my mom and dad. We are all going through challenges that we need to focus on getting through and not just focusing on the problems themselves, but getting through them to be able to move on.
When we are able to do this – focus on getting through the challenges, our attitude and effort in doing those things, we are setting examples for others. Others that know us, talk to us, listen to us pick up on those things; but also to those that simply watch us and may not even say anything to us, they learn from us too.