One of the many things I enjoy about my days is the fact that I always look to get up early and get started with each day in some positive way. Many times I check over somethings - favorite & inspiring tweets or posts on Facebook that I look for inspiration and a positive message. When I saw this quote I really was reminded why I try and start my day off with something positive and inspiring. It does get my day going in a great direction.
It's important to take just a few moments, I think in the morning is best as we get our day started to find this positive message. In the past that is when I read a book for 15- 20 minutes, with my cup of coffee of course to start my day. I am reminded often that spending that much time a day reading, typically we can get through reading a book a month. Just think how much more enriching our year would be after reading 12 books? I need to get back to that, as I have plenty of great books ready to be read.
Often I listen to a short podcast on my way to work. There are a few that I spend my time listening to that are roughly 10 minutes or so and I find myself really in a better frame of mind when I get to school. I need to do more of this and I also need to look at putting more podcasts out there in that format that others can start their days off in a great direction for things that I can share with them.
One other point - once we have our positive start to our day, I think we need to look at what can we do to help others have a positive start to their day too. Just a simple hello, a smile, an encouraging word, etc., can do it for someone else to have a positive start to their day.