Finding this quote on a Monday and thinking about having goals for today (a teacher meeting day) along with goals for the week ahead; got me thinking about having these thoughts going for me long term. Instead of just a Monday or a week, I'm thinking (and I know that) I need to have these going for my future. Thinking about Andrew Carnegie (the steel industry guy) and all the success that he had with people and leadership; I know it's coming from a good source too.
I had a good discussion with a colleague today about focusing in on important things in life. That there are only so many things that we can control and actually do something about ourselves. Happiness comes from the fact that we have the ability to command over our thoughts on those things that are important and that are really important to us. The key is to realize this as soon as we can for then we still have time on our side to do something with this fact. The longer it takes for us to realize the truth to this statment the further away from true happiness I think we will be.
What are your thoughts on this quote? What lessons can you teach me and others with your opinions and thoughts? Please let me know here.