In the midst of our Spirit Week for Homecoming here at school and Monday was Wild Western day. What better symbol of the old West - John Wayne. Growing up and still today, I love watching his movies. His grit, courage, work ethic, not putting up with any crap, trying to do what was right, etc., all all things that we need today in this country. Now I know his characters that he played were the ones showing all of those traits, and he like everyone else, had problems in real life. We all do. I still admire him as an actor and a man. Always have. Always will.
When I saw his quote about our tomorrow's hope that we learned something from yesterday.... wow, that is truth right there. Think about it. When we get to our tomorrow, doesn't it make sense that we learned from our yesterday? It makes total sense to learn about the things that we struggled with and the things that went well for us too. That's the great thing about having a tomorrow, we get to start over again. Get better at those things that we didn't do to well and those things that we did do well, keep doing them and get even better at them. However, make sure you work hard at not taking your tomorrow's for granted. There will come a day when you won't have them, with those people that we care about and for ourselves too. It always comes back to the time factor. John Wayne always had a saying about getting up and getting going - he would always say "Let's go, we're burning daylight." So in order to have better tomorrows, I know I have to make my today's better, which will help make my yesterdays and tomorrows good too. What can you do with this statement from the Duke? Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and ideas. By the way - go watch "Rio Bravo" - one of John Wayne's best movies!