Saw a smart little reminder from Mindful Maven (@mindfulmaven_) where they shared this powerful reminder - “Accept both compliments and criticism. It takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.” That’s something that not only life throws at us - both the sun and rain, but we also do it to ourselves. I think we need to make a conscious choice to watch how we do this with ourselves but also, who do we have around us filling our heads & hearts with things that might lean us towards one way more than another. I’m working on complimenting myself more than putting myself down. Not always successful with this battle, but I’m getting better. Hope you are too. Check in HERE to listen to this episode (#1415) from my podcast and I hope it helps you to compliment yourself more. The world needs this more and more. There are plenty of critics out there and we certainly don't need to keep being critical of ourselves. Thanks for listening. Please take a few moments to subscribe & share this with someone, also leave a 5 Star rating on Apple Podcasts and ITunes or other services where you find this show. Find me on Facebook: on Twitter / “X”: @coachtosuccess and on Instagram at: @coachjohndaly - My YouTube Channel is at: Coach John Daly. Email me at: [email protected] You can also head on over to and get in touch with me there on my homepage along with checking out my Top Book list too. Other things there on my site are being worked on too. Please let me know that you are reaching out to me from my podcast.
11-21-24 Working to get back some type of blog connection to the outside world. I will be posting things connected to my podcasts. The link to the episode that I'm blogging about. I'm taking the show notes and adding a few different thoughts to them to create the blog post. I will also include the link to my podcast episode. I'm trying to make this easy on myself to do on a daily basis.
I think it’s safe to say that we all want to be at our best, I know I want to be my best. It takes a conscious effort to do that. Jon Gordon (@JonGordon11) had a great post that got me zeroed in on this. He shared this thought: “No one ever became their best by focusing on someone else’s flaws. Look for the best in others.” At times I will focus my attention towards others flaws. Blaming them for things, getting upset about it, etc. I’m learning that it makes much better use of my time and mental well-being to focus on improving my own flaws (which are many) compared to worrying about what others are doing wrong. I think the world (especially our own little part of it), would be a lot better if we took this to heart. It's funny, I got to thinking about this thought this morning on a walk with our dog. I try not to be on my phone during our walk so I can focus on him, enjoy the walk with him, talk with him, along with connecting to my own thoughts. I always try to have it be a "walk of Gratitude" and reflecting to these thoughts from Jon Gordon, sue does help. Thanks for listening to this LINK for my podcast. Please take a few moments to subscribe & share this with someone, also leave a 5 Star rating on Apple Podcasts and ITunes or other services where you find this show. Find me on Facebook: on Twitter / “X”: @coachtosuccess and on Instagram at: @coachjohndaly - My YouTube Channel is at: Coach John Daly. Email me at: [email protected] You can also head on over to and get in touch with me there on my homepage along with checking out my Top Book list too. Other things there on my site are being worked on too. Please let me know that you are reaching out to me from my podcast. Had a few minutes sitting with my coffee this morning and thinking about the importance of my memories - all while seeing the sun come up a bit. I got a little bit emotional about them too. Remembering my father-in-law and others, that lost their memories due to illness. I don't want to take mine for granted. I thought about growing up in my neighborhood - the fun times with friends and those great memories with my family too in the house that I grew up in for almost 20 years. I thought about the schools that I went to and the friends there at each of the schools - especially college where I met my wife and found out that education & coaching was the career I wanted to spend my life doing and always looking to improve upon. It's easy to see that I will be spending my life in this field too.
I'm so grateful for my memories and I know that I can't take them for granted. They are all a part of my life. Take a few moments to think and reflect back upon your memories too. Don't take them for granted. Check out my short podcast episode on this topic - HERE. Coach Ray - the teacher, the educator, the difference maker - he's all that and more. His recent post shared a thought about if we really want to do something & it home with me today. I've seen this before but today, it struck a little deeper.
First of all - Following Coach Ray is always full of learning opportunities and no matter what age you are, or what you do for a living - you can learn some valuable lessons from this man. This reminder that he threw out there got my attention - and again, I've seen it before but it proves that we need to see and read things over and over again through life. Throughout my life, I have certainly come up with plenty of excuses & I know I will have them in the future too. What I really need is to have one or more LESS excuses every day on the things I know I need to do to go where I need to go. Things like this sure do help. I hope it helps you too. See my social media links for some more about this Quote of the Day from Coach Ray Ostrowski along with checking out my podcast episode on this topic - click HERE for that. ![]() Had a great trip with my parents recently where we spent 5 days and 4 nights traveling to Upstate New York - the Lake Placid area. We went there to celebrate the life of my great aunt who passed away during the last few months, and his son - my dad's cousin - wanted to have a memorial service in the small town of Keene Valley. It was a busy few days, especially when we got there for the service. You see, my dad grew up in this area - specifically, he spent his summers there from about the age of 10 through his years after high school. Growing up in New Jersey was not leading him in the direction that was best for him. My great aunt helped to raise him and made a major difference in his life. Truth be told told, in my dad's own words - she saved his life! Which in turn, helped me to be here too. Watching my dad's face at this service where he got to see some childhood friends that were also in attendance - was so heartwarming to see. We were not sure who was going to be there, but not only did he get to see some longtime friends there, but we all learned that my great aunt was that same difference-maker for so many other people. That's just the way she was. This service left a huge impression on me in many areas. First, seeing my dad reconnect with people that he spent a large part of his formidable years with. We got to hear some funny and amazing stories. My mom and I got to see some areas of Keene Valley & Lake Placid that we never saw before, including the country club where my dad worked as a caddie for some of those summers there. I learned the importance of people & family & how they all looked out for one another and took my dad is as "one of their own" members of the community. The fact that what we do in life has a big affect on so many other people. My dad's legacy will be a special one. My mom's too, as she grew up in the Western New York area. We have always known a bit more more of her family's heritage, but not so much of my dad's. This trip helped with that. It also taught me some valuable life lessons as I watched a bit more closely with having a lot of time with my parents - who are both in their 80's. My dad self-admitting that was probably his last time that he will visit this big part of his life. I also am thinking more and more now about my legacy - as the son of my parents, the grandchild of my grandparents, etc. What they have all gone through in their lives - the good, and the not so good - all have a direct connection to me, my wife and our kids. This experience makes me want to be better - for my family and anyone else I have a connection to. I have had that attitude as a teacher for my career - but now, even as I being "retirement", I know I want to simply keep getting better every day of my life that I have going forward. My advice? Find time to spend with your family. See where they grew up (if you can). Talk to them about things from their time growing up. Hope you can talk to some of their friends / family / people that knew them. Look to ask yourself - what more can I do to improve my legacy? And thereby, improving your families' too. An amazing game that turned into heartbreak for the United States Women's National Soccer Team in the quarterfinal loss to Sweden. It's funny, not really... it's quite sad.. the critics that come out of all corners when something goes wrong for someone else. We can't look at the problems in the world and allow them to get us down. We need to look inside ourselves & look to the team of good people around us to find out how to get better and improve.
As Jon Gordon says, "It's never about the circumstance! It's about your state of mind and how you CHOOSE to respond." The USWNT has some reflecting to do and they will do that & then changes will be made. As always, we can learn a lot from sports throughout life - that's why I'm such a fan of sports for the lessons that these games teach us. Powerful moments for us to always learn from and get better from. It's our choice. I know I need to keep working on my choices every single day!! The key is for me to also learn from past choices - the good and the not so good ones. ![]() Saw this picture and I reposted it as it hit home with me. Heck, I did a podcast on it too. Listen to it HERE. I know I have quite early on things, all throughout my life. But, I can't go back and fix it. All I can do is to learn from those experiences. One thing for sure is that I am learning to just keep going. To not throw in the towel on things. For example, this website. For a long time, I have kind of let it go. Not keeping things updated and having things on it that are out of date or not part of my current plan. Blogging was one things for sure that I wanted to get back to. I had promised my students to blog with them on their weekly assigned topics - that didn't last too long & I told myself that it was ok due to being too busy with other things. Not a good choice for me at all. Nobody said anything, but I sure did say things to myself and they were not really positive at all. All I can do is to focus back on things to keep working on. Things to not give up on and to tell myself that I can do those things. I need to just keep at them... here and now... and keep educating myself about these things ... keep encouraging myself and to just keep moving forward. How about you? ![]() I am getting into Jon Gordon's latest book - "The One Truth" and it is, what I think, his best book yet. I'm not even done with it yet. I found this part to share with you and it got me fired up reading it & sharing some thoughts with you. I hope you find some value in it too. Jon was talking about the opera singer, Luciano Pavarotti where the famous singer "was so devoted to his craft that it drove his discipline. If you are not devoted and you don't love what you're doing, then discipline is hard. But if you are devoted and love it, then you have a higher state of mind and discipline is much easier." I think this is spot on. The more things (and people first), that we are devoted to, the discipline that is needed come a bit easier for these parts of our lives. Then as we know, the different things in our lives are connected to the things that really drive us. I know this hit me and got me thinking about some things that I need to keep working on. As I write this post, it's 9:39 p.m. and I knew I wanted to get my latest podcast episode out... which is all about this post & you can listen to it HERE. But I also wanted to get this blog post out there too. So, instead of watching TV, I got these things done & now I'm going to make some popcorn and keep reading this book that I'm fired up about as I know there will be tons more of things that I will be underling, writing notes on the pages, etc. Go out and find this book... it's a life-changing thing that I think we all need to read and pull out the parts of it that work for us. This is another pure gold type of podcast to share with you - John O'Leary and his Monday Motivation series. This episode is from Monday, July 10 and remember, you don't have to listen to it on a Monday. Find it HERE.
This goes hand in hand with another podcast from Ben Newman, that I will be getting something out to everyone on it. These things that make an impact on me, get me thinking and reflecting, maybe get me a bit emotional; but they all are things that I think others need to hear as well. Remember - I'm the assist guy.. .dishing off the ball so others can score. :-) Learning from others - especially those that are older than we are and are obviously further along their journey of life - doesn't mean we can't learn from them. If we pay attention and those people are willing to share their experiences and lessons - we can learn from them without having to live 95+ years (as was the example of what John O'Leary was talking about. Three things to focus in on here...
![]() I listened to a fantastic "Tuesday People Podcast" - listen to it HERE. Mitch Albom & Lisa Goich got me thinking about how much "mean" there is in the world and got me also thinking about how there has to be a better way. The more we are able to show kindness towards others, the more people notice the example we are setting. Mitch & Lisa are so on target with their conversation I'm hoping - as the way they always are. But if you remember (and you will when you listen to these shows from Mitch's podcast), Morrie was sharing his wisdom about all of this way back in 1995. I love how Mitch shares some of the audio clips with the audience so we can hear it for ourselves from Morrie. My podcast about all of this (from Wed. July 12), can be found HERE. I hope you enjoy this episode, as it is coming in 2 different parts. The intro is just me and then the other part is a Facebook Live recording I did earlier in the day. Hopefully some good stuff here for you to pick a few things from. Thanks again for investing your time with me. I'm always looking for feedback from my shows. So, you can leave comments & ratings for my shows wherever you listen to the podcasts. You can find me on social media. You can message me here on my homepage or leave a message here on this post. Thanks again for spending a few moments with me. |
Coach John DalyIn Education for 34 years & recently, I decided to retire from full-time teaching. Started coaching girls basketball in 1981 & still around the game today. Looking to share insights, thoughts and ideas to help everyone find their own piece of success. Archives
October 2023